
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Assistance Recipients

第668节.16(e)和668.34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 标题四世, 学生援助总则要求接受联邦经济援助的学生在实现教育目标(学位)方面取得“令人满意的学业进步”,以便有资格获得联邦第四章经济援助. 这些项目包括:

  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • 联邦教学补助金
  • 联邦珀金斯贷款
  • 联邦工作研究
  • 联邦直接职员
  • Unsubsidized 联邦直接职员 Loans
  • 联邦直接附加贷款


Eligibility for Financial Assistance

In order to be eligible and to remain eligible for the above listed programs, a student’s academic performance must be in compliance with these standards. For the specifics of these standards, refer to the current university Academic Catalog. 查看《十大赌博平台排行榜》第29页,找到“令人满意的学术进步标准”部分.”

堪萨斯卫斯理学术奖学金有单独的学术资格要求,以获得和续签(在下一年保留),并有可能升级(增加)你的奖学金水平. 有关这些奖学金的详细信息,请访问十大赌博平台排行榜的网页“十大赌博平台排行榜奖学金”.

Framework to Evaluate Academic Progress

十大赌博平台排行榜建立了一个框架来评估学生的进步,以在最佳时间内实现教育目标(学位). 这包括定性测量(累积平均成绩点)和定量测量(毕业速度)。.

Academic Good Standing: Undergraduate

To be considered in academic good standing, students must meet two standards:

1. 质量标准: Students must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in compliance with the following:


Minimum CGPA for Good Standing

Less than 28 (all undergraduate students) 1.70
28 or greater but less than 44 1.80
44 or greater but less than 60 1.90
60岁及以上 2.00

* See definition of Credit Hours Earned and Attempted below.

2. 定量标准:

  1. Maximum Time to Complete Undergraduate Degree: 学生完成本科学位的最长时间为189学分.   (120 * 150%= 180)
  2. Pace (Percentage of Completion): 本科学生必须成功完成66%的学分,计算方法为:**获得的学分/*尝试的学分必须至少等于66.66% .

Academic Good Standing: Undergraduate

To be considered in academic good standing, students must meet two standards:

1. 质量标准: 研究生 must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.000或更高. See definition of Credit Hours Earned and Attempted below.

2. 定量标准:

  1. Maximum Time to Complete Graduate Degree: 学生完成研究生学位的最长时间为45个学分.   (30 * 150%= 45)
  2. Pace (Percentage of Completion): 研究生必须成功完成其研究生院学分历史上所有学分的66%或更多, calculated as: **Credit Hours Earned/*Credit Hours Attempted must be at least equal to 66.66% .

Frequency of Academic Progress Evaluation

注册办公室应在每学期结束时审查每个本科生的学习成绩是否符合标准:秋季, 春天, 和夏天.


Students with Completed Bachelor’s Degree

完成学士学位的学生将有资格获得联邦直接斯塔福德和无补贴斯塔福德贷款,以获得随后的学士学位, provided the aggregate loan limit has not been exceeded. 这些学生也有资格获得十大赌博平台排行榜的奖学金和助学金项目,而不是基于经济需要.  Satisfactory Academic Progress for Cumulative units attempted (PACE) should follow GPA; not described in KWU catalog.

*Definition of Credit Hours Attempted:

所有在十大赌博平台排行榜尝试的学分和所有被转学到十大赌博平台排行榜的学分都包含在定性和定量标准中.  学生在转学院校所修习的学时,若不被本校接纳为学分,则不被视为已修习的学时,以作定性或定量计算.

**Definition of Credit Hours Earned:

The following grades count as:

  • Earned Hours: A, B, C, D, P, S, CR, I/B, I/C, and I/D.
  • Attempted Hours, but do not count as Earned Hours: F, U, I/F, I, and W.
  • The following grades affect the cumulative GPA: A, B, C, D, F, I/B, I/C, I/D, and I/F.
  • Remedial Courses are NOT included in this calculation.
  • Repeated courses are included in the cumulative attempted credit hours. 但是,只有成绩最高的课程才会被计入累积平均成绩.

Academic Probation / Dismissal

在学期结束时未能达到定性CGPA和/或定量标准(见上文)的学生将被留校察看.  已被留校察看的学生在下一学期未取得良好成绩的, the student may be dismissed.  然而, no undergraduate student will be dismissed when the most recently completed semester GPA is 2.00或更高, and no graduate student will be dismissed when the most recently completed term GPA is 3.00或更高.

临时录取的学生在入学时被视为学术试用期,并且必须按照学术良好信誉的质量标准完成CGPA(至少1分).5 for undergraduate students) during the first semester.  Failure to do so will result in dismissal.

临时录取的学生和留校察看的学生都必须参加INTD090:成功的策略课程,并定期参加学生成功中心主任的会议.  Students who fail INTD090 will be required to repeat the course the following semester.

在春季学期后被开除的学生可能不能在十大赌博平台排行榜注册夏季学期或下一个秋季学期. Students dismissed after the Fall Semester, may not enroll at 十大赌博平台排行榜 for the 春天 Semester. Students dismissed after the Summer Semester, may not enroll at 十大赌博平台排行榜 for the Fall Semester. 希望重新申请入学的被学术开除的学生被鼓励利用离开十大赌博平台排行榜的时间进行活动,以证明他们有潜力提高成绩, 例如, 在其他机构成功完成课程,以提高其累积平均成绩到大学可接受的水平.

Appeal of Academic Dismissal

Within two weeks of being academically dismissed, 学生可以向注册主任办公室提交上诉,以书面形式向注册委员会提出上诉.  The Enrollment Committee is chaired by the Provost.  The 注册商 and several faculty members also serve on the Enrollment Committee, among others.    “学术解雇上诉请愿书”表格可从大学网站或教务处获得.  申诉被招生委员会批准的学生可以在留校察看期间恢复在十大赌博平台排行榜的入学, but must be enrolled in INTD090: Strategies for Success, attend regular meetings with the Director of the Student Success Center, and follow the academic plan set for them.  学术计划可能包括毕业计划和完成学位的时间表, which the student is obligated to follow exactly in order to remain enrolled at the university.  Financial Assistance eligibility is reinstated during semesters of probation.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

After the full semester of absence following dismissal, 学生可以通过向招生办提交“离职后返回”申请重新入学.   The application for re-admission will be reviewed by the Enrollment Committee.  If re-admitted, the student will re-enter the university on academic probation. Financial assistance eligibility is reinstated during semesters of probation.  If the student has been gone for two full semesters or more, he or she must also complete a new application for admission, submit the twenty dollar ($20.00) 不可退还的 application fee, and meet normal admission standards. A student’s entire educational record is considered for all re-admission decisions.  The student’s advisor will be kept informed of all re-admission decisions. Financial Assistance eligibility is reinstated.